Saturday, July 31, 2010

Chaucer & Canterbury Tales

Geoffrey Chaucer was born in London some time between 1340 - 44 the exact date is unknown. He did go to France with the military some time in the 1360's but nothing definate is known until 1366 when he married Philippa Roet. She died some years later and he continued to enjoy the wealth of her family until 1385 when he became Justice of the Peace in Kent. Chaucer wrote a few poems before he started his narrative poem style. The Canterbury Tales was unfinished when he passed away in 1400. He was buried in the Church at Westminster Abby and a monument was built in his honor in 1555 in the Poet's Corner of the church.
The Canterbury Tales one of the most famous narrative style poems follows a group on a pilgrimage. Along the way we get a good look at each character this style of writing was very descriptive and you can really envision each character. The pardoner was the one that stuck out the most to me. I think it was because I could really think of some one that he represents. The main focus of this story was the corruption of the church and religion was a huge issue for the people of this time. There was a lot of change going on and this poem seemed to capture all of the different views on that.

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