Saturday, July 31, 2010


Sophocles born in 496 B.C.E. in Colonus, Greece. He showed great talent from a very early age he excelled in music while in school then became one of the greatest writers of tragedies known to date.He wrote in three different styles yet the last group the tragedies are the only ones that are still in existence. It is believed that he wrote some 125 plays but only 7 are known to still be in around to date. One of the many he wrote in the later years was Oedipus the King.
In Oedipus the King this story kept me very intrigued with the twists of fate, and how they tried to change it. Although Oedipus thought he was doing the right thing by living his "parents" so that his fortune would not come true he ends up running right to the very thing he was trying to leave. I was hurt when Jocasta took her own life due to the pain she must have felt from loosing her husband then finding out she had married and bore children with her own son. This story was 100% tragic, but fascinating all the way. It just goes to show that what is meant to be will be. Since so many twist and turns happened along this story but in the end the fortune came true just as they had all been told it would.

1 comment:

  1. You are right, if your life is destined to turn out a certain way then whatever you try to do too run away from your fate will only lead you right into it!
